

Termites pose a growing threat to homes and businesses across the globe. In the United States alone, termites affect up to 600,000 homes each year. This not only poses a threat to the structural integrity of a building but also to the health and wellbeing of the building’s inhabitants. That’s why it’s critical that you take action against termites the second you suspect their presence. The professionals at Spence’s Pest Control are here to help you learn about how termites can cause damage to you and your building.

There are two types of termites that are primarily responsible for causing structural damage in the Richmond area: subterranean termites and drywood termites. Subterranean termites are more common in southern states and get their name from the large underground colonies that they form. These termites often go unnoticed for a long time as they are concealed throughout the day, only consuming wood that has been buried. Drywood termites are known for attacking structures above the ground. These termites commonly infest homes and businesses in their walls, floors, furniture, and ceilings.

The Spread

5 reasons you should check for termites annuallyRegardless of which type of termite you have on your hands, they can do an immense amount of damage at an alarmingly rapid rate. Termites forage and consume wood at an almost constant pace. In fact, it’s estimated that the larger subterranean termites colonies can consume up to 1 pound of wood each day. While this may not seem like an incredibly large amount of wood at first, it’s important to remember that termite infestations are often unnoticed and unaddressed for weeks, months or even years, so damage can really add up.

The Noise

One of the surest signs of a termite problem might also be the most annoying one. As termites infiltrate your home, they will continue to seek out any and all wood materials. When they enter the walls of your home many homeowners hear a constant clicking noise as a result of the colony’s movement. Termite soldiers bang their head against the wood surfaces and shake their bodies to alert the rest of the colony of danger. This banging and shaking results in some annoying clicking noises within your walls that can make any homeowner feel a little less than sane.

The Health Issues

Termites can bite and/or sting, but they are not known to carry any disease and are not venomous. That being said, they do pose a threat to our health when present in our homes. Like any pest, termites leave behind droppings or wing and body fragments that can be overwhelming for people with allergies or asthma. If any individuals within your home have either of these two conditions, it’s extremely important that you check your home regularly for signs of termites and other allergy-inducing pests.

The Danger

Termites can go unnoticed for a long time. During that time, they can do an immense amount of damage to your home by consuming the wood in your decking, walls, and floors. This can cause serious structural issues that can lead to possible injuries if the structural integrity of your home is compromised by the termites. For example, many homeowners are unaware that their porch has been compromised by termites until their foot plunges through the wood, puncturing a small hole and possibly causing injury. Having your home inspected regularly can help eliminate the potential for such incidents to occur.

The Cost

By far the worst result of a termite infestation is the overall cost. Termites can cause thousands of dollars in repairs and maintenance to your home or business by consuming the wood within and compromising the structure. The National Pest Management Association estimates that there is upwards of $5 billion in damage done by termites globally each year. A single termite colony can cause significant damage to your home, causing you to invest hundreds if not thousands of dollars in repair alone.

Termites cannot be controlled with DIY methods. That’s why it’s critical that you contact a termite specialist as soon as possible if you suspect an infestation in your home or business. Thankfully, you can prevent this costly damage to your home. Spence's Pest Control offers a variety of treatments to prevent termites from entering your home, such as our liquid barrier treatments. Don't wait until the signs of a termite infestation become visible, call for a FREE inspection today. Our team is available by phone at (804) 794-7738.
