

Seasonal allergies are a common struggle for many people, and they’re often set off by that lovely change in nature that causes the pollen count to rise. The allergens are usually things like pollen and grass. However, having a pest infestation could also trigger allergies in people with very similar effects and courses of treatment as seasonal allergies!

Seasonal Allergies Triggered

The two are often conflated because those individuals sensitive to seasonal changes are also usually sensitive to pet dander, pest droppings, fur, and other tiny particles brought in by infestations. Individuals can also be allergic to stinging insects or react badly to a biting insect like a bed bug. There are a few things you should know about allergies triggered by pests.

Common Pest Allergies

Pest allergies are like seasonal allergies; these tiny substances invade your body because you’re breathing them in. Cockroaches, mice, and rats are the most common pests that trigger allergies in cities and urban areas. Dust mites are also often an irritant, especially in children. The feces, wings, eggs, fur, and other secretions that come from these small animals and bugs make their way into the atmosphere of your home. The worse an infestation is, the more you will deal with these allergens.

If you or a child in your home is particularly susceptible to respiratory illness or asthma, you must get infestations treated quickly and professionally. New research shows that these triggers can worsen respiratory diseases. Shed skin, insect body parts, and droppings make their way through air conditioning and filtration units, so if you find that seasonal allergies are being triggered year-round, consider changing those filters!

Allergies to Insect Venom

An allergy to insect venom is different than a seasonal allergy or dander allergy, which is classified through trademark runny noses, hay fever, and leaky eyes. An allergy to an insect sting, like a bee or wasp, can be fatal after causing extreme symptoms like throat closing, tongue swelling, excessive hives, and dizziness or fainting. Otherwise known as an anaphylactic reaction, these require immediate medical attention. Usually, individuals with these allergies carry an injection with life-saving medicine, which must be administered quickly.

Symptoms of Pest Allergies

Different pest infestations can cause various symptoms, but most individuals concerned about this are experiencing nasal or respiratory system issues that are typically only triggered in the spring and summer.

If it’s off-season and you’re experiencing any of these symptoms indoors in your home, you may want to inspect your house for a pest infestation:

  • Nausea
  • Stuffy nose
  • Itchy skin
  • Hives
  • Asthma attacks
  • Sneezing
  • Skin rashes
  • Stomach pain

How to Inspect for an Infestation

You can check your home by looking for signs of insects or mice in dark areas like under the sink, in crevices, or hidden in basements. It can be challenging if you're unsure what the signs of an infestation are. Luckily, you can schedule a free inspection with Spence’s Pest control online or by calling us at 804-794-7738. Our experts can help you find the source of your pest allergies and alleviate them once and for all!
